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Read This Before You Start Creating Content On The Internet

Creating content for the internets is kind of like trying to dance with a honey badger...

'She don't care' (horrible...

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What To Do Right After Graduating FCMT (4 Steps)

***While this post is tailored toward recent graduates of Dave Ramsey's Financial Coach Master Training (FCMT), the...

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The Respectable Elevator Pitch (in 30 Seconds)

Do you ever freeze up when someone asks you to stand up and introduce yourself at a networking event?

Well, kiss the...

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How To Set Up A Service-Based Business For Less Than $100

Setting up a service-based business online may seem daunting.

But it doesn't need to be.

To reduce that feeling of...

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Watch This Before You Launch Your Product

Depressing course launches are a Bruce Lee roundhouse kick to the gut...

Like... 'Whaaapaaaa!!"


I've had two...

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How To Know What Your Audience Believes (It Matters)

Last week we covered how to capture your audience's 'pain' language.

This week, we're going a level deeper...

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How To Speak Your Audience's Language (Pain)

What drives me crazy about it?

No one ever explains 'how to' do it!

Well, today we're going to fix that.

Welcome to...

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Why Is LinkedIn So Cringe? (And How I Deal With It.)

If you've been on LinkedIn for any amount of time, you've probably noticed that the interactions in the comments can...

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[Workshop] Traction was elusive. Until I did this...

There are numerous (possible)reasons you're not getting traction (pick one)...

  • You're Too New
  • Not Being Consistent
  • ...
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