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Testimonial: 30-Day Quiz Funnel Results (500 leads/$5k client)


Our friend, Prashha Dutra just landed a $5k client directly from her quiz funnel.

She also generated 500 new leads in her first 30 days...


What's even better than that?


Her sales cycle has shrunk from 6 months...

All the way down to 3-4 weeks (awareness-to-conversion)!!


Want to learn how to do that?

  • 🔥 Join us on September 5th for my "Inner Circle" Cohort Masterclass...
  • 🔥 (Where quiz funnels are JUST one of MANY tools we'll cover.)
  • 🔥 In 6 short weeks, I'm going to show you how to build...
  • 🔥 Your entire solopreneur "value ladder/sales funnel"...


By the end of our 6 weeks, you'll have laid out your...

Solopreneur Blueprint/Value Ladder of:

  • ✅ 1 : Validated Market
  • ✅ 1 : Lead Generator
  • ✅ 1 : Lead Converter
  • ✅ 1 : Product


Here's exactly how we're going to to accomplish that:

  • 🚀 Week 1: Mindset, "Why" & Your Value Ladder
  • 🚀 Week 2: Market Validation & Launch/Relaunch Strategy
  • 🚀 Week 3: Content Strategy (w/Repurpose/Recycle) & Deep Dive Surveys
  • 🚀 Week 4: Lead Magnets & The Amazing Quiz Funnel
  • 🚀 Week 5: Websites That Convert & Email That Excites Action
  • 🚀 Week 6: Irresistible Digital Products (Built With Your Audience)


  • ❤️ Also, if you know me well, you'll know that I'll have some...
  • ❤️ Highly relevant bonus material peppered in throughout. 🤓
  • ❤️ If this all sounds delicious to you...
  • ❤️ I'll leave a link for the waitlist below... 👇👇👇 


Where I'll be notifying you of all the juicy details...


What are you most excited about accomplishing?



50% Complete

Two Step

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