Take The FREE 60-Second Quiz - "What Type Of Online Business Is Right For You?"
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Embrace Your Obsession.. AFTER Doing This.

Let's talk (again) about the idea of "embracing an obsession".

As a new (or even veteran) solopreneur, this is VERY attractive.

But it can also lead to much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Why? One word... timing.



To be clear... I'm not saying that embracing an obsession is horrible advice.

No. It's just that the timing has to be right.

The "embracing" part should not come until AFTER you properly validated.

In other words, you want to enter a niche/market that you know is going to be viable.


WHY (2)?

The hardest part of becoming a successful solopreneur is building an audience.

Let's make sure you're going after an audience that will ACTUALLY pay you for the value you're going to create for them.

I'll be walking through this validation process in my free workshop next Thursday: www.bradlong.co/workshop

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. If you're wanting forward momentum in your business, I'd recommend starting with an affordable course:

➡️ The ADAPTIVE. Solopreneur - Course Bundle: Productize your knowledge with my niche validation, content, marketing, audience attraction and traffic growth system. Everything you need to start, grow and scale a profitable solopreneur business.

2. Register for my next free in-depth workshop on how to start, grow and scale an online business from a side-hustle to six-figures and beyond: Register here.

[FREE QUIZ] What Type Of Online Business Is Right For YOU?

Take this FREE 60-second quiz and find out what type of online business is the best fit for your personality and goals.

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