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What does Financial Independence ACTUALLY look like?

"What's your take on Financial Independence?"

That was my favorite question of the week from my good friend and fellow entrepreneur, Adriana Tica.

[By the way her newsletter is PURE FIRE, so you should go subscribe to it:].


So, here's how I see Financial Independence:

The "Financial Independence" idea is really a fairly broad continuum...

There are LOTS of opinions and LOTS of definitions...

My wife and I are what is considered "Lean FI".


My personal FI definition is:

  • ✅ ZERO consumer debt (preferably mortgage debt, too)
  • ✅ Emergency fund (war chest) of at least 1yr of expenses (i.e. cash, preferably more than one year)
  • ✅ A solid diversified investment portfolio (somewhat subjective) that includes:
  • ✅ Additional Cash Reserves (Emergency Fund's Emergency Fund)
  • ✅ Traditional Investments (Mutuals, ETFs, HSA, etc.)
  • ✅ Precious Metals (Physical Gold/Silver, NOT ETFs)
  • ✅ Bitcoin (very controversial, I know)
  • ✅ A business that generates active/passive income
  • ✅ An ongoing investment in my entrepreneurial skill stack


What does FI mean to me?

For my wife and me it means:

  • 🏆 Freedom from corporate 'Merka and being told what to do
  • 🏆 Freedom from my judgement being CONSTANTLY questioned
  • 🏆 The ability to pursue stuff I actually like helping people with
  • 🏆 A fairly "low consumption" lifestyle (no Joneses upkeep here)
  • 🏆 Wealth reserves and income that aid in optimized sleep patterns
  • 🏆 A consistent rebalancing and building of all of the above
  • 🏆 This list could actually be endless...


Are you curious about FI and what it ACTUALLY looks like?

  • 👉 Tuesday, I'm holding a 100% free workshop to show you how achieve it...
  • 👉 I'll outline the EXACT process I used to pay off $174k debt in 2.5 yrs...
  • 👉 And then move on to "Lean FI" in under 10yrs...
  • 👉 Which then allowed my solopreneur dream...
  • 👉 Into becoming a practical reality...
  • 👉 All by using this process... 

FREE Workshop This Tuesday:

That's all for now... Hope to see you Tuesday!



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