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Two Languages ALL Solopreneurs Speak

All solopreneurs have to speak (at least) two languages:

1. Whatever you teach/coach/consult...


2. The language of marketing...

When I started, I knew almost nothing about #2...

I spent my 20 year SaaS (Software as a Service) career as an AE (Account Executive), so...

I was in sales and knew almost nothing about marketing.


So, when I started my online business as a solopreneur, I had never:

  • Created content (i.e. blogged, made videos)
  • Marketed via email
  • Built a website or landing page
  • Constructed a relevant lead magnet for my audience
  • Done ANY kind of graphic design
  • Edited videos
  • Tracked any kind of marketing analytics


But, even though I was inexperienced, I knew that these were all skills that I could learn and add to my talent stack (as Scott Adams calls it).

So, I was excited, a little daunted and I pressed on.

  • I started writing (regularly).
  • I wrote blog posts.
  • I wrote social media posts (typically shorter and punchier versions of the blog posts).
  • Then, as I saw the relevance and reach of video, I started writing video scripts
  • Then, I built a website...
  • And an email list...


I learned SO much in those first two years of launching my business.

So if you're on the fence about getting started, just take one little micro-step in the direction of your desire to create your own thing.

  • Google or YouTube search how to write a blog post.
  • Practice by writing a letter to the ideal person you'd like to work with.


And if you're looking for a good place to start, check out our free 60-second quiz that will help you take that first (or next) micro-step.

Whatever you do, don't hesitate to take the first step.

Your future self will thank you profusely.


50% Complete

Two Step

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