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The Solopreneur's Guide To Beating Procrastination

I have found that procrastination (for me) is one of the fruits of overwhelm.

When I'm overwhelmed, all kinds of things look more interesting than the thing I need to be doing.

One MAJOR element of procrastination for solopreneurs, is the "I just need to learn more" trap.

Let me say this as gently as I can...

Hogwash!! :)

More than likely, you already have everything you need.

You don't (necessarily) need to:

  • Watch another Youtube video
  • Do another Google search
  • Read another cool tweet

More than likely you just need to get in motion and start to connect some of the elements you already know.

As my mentor often says, "motion breeds clarity".

The truth is that the REAL learning starts when you start implementing what you know.

So I'm curious, what's the very next small thing you need to do right now?

That's all for now. I'd love to hear from you.

PS Don't forget to register for our free workshop later this month to help spur you into action: Register here


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