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The Progression of Knowledge (Anti-Overwhelm Trick)

This is a little 4-step mindset hack I like to revisit often, especially when I'm embarking on a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) like starting and online business.

This is a natural progression that's really good to be reminded of as you're moving through the process.

And it's called "The Progression Of Knowledge".

So, you're starting with...


1. Information -

You'll be ingesting, processing and testing LOTS of new data.

And continued familiarization with the information will naturally lead you to...


2. Belief -

You'll start to internalize the information and see it work in all the testimonials and case studies, you'll begin to develop belief around it... and that naturally leads to...


3. Conviction -

Because you'll start to see and feel the awesomeness of your strategy demonstrated and start to visualize it in your own business...

In other words you'll "KNOW that you know" that this is going to work for your business...

And this conviction will then turn into...


4. Affection -

You'll actually develop an affection for this methodology because you'll see that there is actually SUBSTANCE to what was once A BUNCH OF NEW INFORMATION...

You'll have such strong confidence in this strategy, that you'll easily be able to apply it as though you knew it all along...

So, that's my little "Progression of Knowledge" mindset hack for you and I hope you'll reach that point of AFFECTION for your endeavor!

AND... I'm looking forward to hearing how it's going...

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. If you're wanting forward momentum in your business, I'd recommend starting with an affordable course:

➡️ The ADAPTIVE. Solopreneur - Course Bundle: Productize your knowledge with my niche validation, content, marketing, audience attraction and traffic growth system. Everything you need to start, grow and scale a profitable solopreneur business.

2. Register for my next free in-depth workshop on how to start, grow and scale an online business from a side-hustle to six-figures and beyond: Register here.

[FREE QUIZ] What Type Of Online Business Is Right For YOU?

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