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3 Solopreneurship Encouragements

These are 3 little pieces of insight that you might find helpful if you’re new to online business or haven’t yet started to hit your income goals.

My 3 Online Business Insights


1. Everybody is “experimenting”.

Where there IS a systematic framework for starting and growing your online business, I want to help you get comfortable with the idea that there’s going to be A LOT of trial and error in the process. There’s going to be a lot of experimentation and that’s okay. It’s actually normal.

Some people might call it “faking it til you make it”, but I think it’s a little more nuanced than that. Entrepreneurship involves A LOT of experimentation and that’s OKAY because that’s what it takes to build a really highly valuable, wildly profitable online business.

You’re basically starting with what you already know and “putting it out there” to see if/how helpful it is to people. 

You’re really starting a feedback loop that’s going to give you everything you need to tell you what to do next.

So, what you’re doing is your figuring out how to deliver:

  • Massive value to your audience
  • Build feedback loops to get to know what they want
  • Adjusting to what’s working and what’s not working in your business
  • And generally, “going for it”

And what you’re doing to “figure it out” is:

  • Building great and helpful content
  • That’s consistently delivered to your audience
  • Growing an email list of curious people
  • Over delivering on your promises
  • Building digital courses and memberships that help your people get the transformation they’re looking for.

But all the delivery methods like sales pages, webinars, how things are priced and the rest of the nuances involve a lot of trial and error.

So, just keep that in mind that doing A LOT of experimenting so just go ahead and get started.


2. Credibility is garnered by “doing and serving”.

Believe me, we ALL suffer from imposter syndrome, including “yours truly”!

It actually never fully goes away, so I want to help you start dealing with it and making sure that it doesn’t conquer you.

In my own story, even though I had successfully paid off a TON of debt and had been pretty successful financially, I STILL struggled for years with just getting started and putting myself “out there”.

What builds your credibility is actually getting out there and serving people and helping them get meaningful results and transformation.

So, especially if you’ve done something yourself and can just break it down to a step-by-step, no-overwhelm framework, you can teach it and REALLY help people get results.

Is it hard? Yes. Is it scary? Yes. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!!

I just want to encourage you to get your message out there consistently and we’re going to continue to discuss some great strategies to help you to systematize all of that.

And that’s exactly what I did with my first online business, ZeroDebtCoach. I just started helping people, putting out content, collecting emails and building more tools to help my people get the results they were looking for.

So, it’s a little counterintuitive that putting yourself out there to help people (creating content, courses, memberships, learning how to sell), as awkward as that is at first, that’s the very process that will bring you the credibility you’re craving right now.

You can’t get people the results they’re looking for unless you’re putting out content, so start or continue to do that and you'll be on your way!


3. Everybody that’s doing anything worthwhile has FAILED at something.

I know in our culture, we’re schooled from a very young age not to fail, to get straight A’s, to overachieve and learn to focus on things we’re not inherently good at (like math and chemistry for me).

That said, WE DON’T LIKE TO FAIL, like at all. And… even more than that we REALLY don’t like to talk about it.

Case in point. One of the biggest “needs” of my financial coaching is this one very specific skill set and they ask questions about it ALL the time.

So in response to their questions, I launched a webinar earlier this year that I was going to turn into a mini-course on the back end. We call that a reverse course launch and I’m going to be talking about how to do that.

And I spent TONS of time getting the webinar set up, shooting videos, marketing the event and preparing myself for some of the repeated successes I’ve had in the past launching with webinars.

BUT with all of that preparation and execution, for some reason I only sold two units! Two units of a little $47 product that I THOUGHT FOR SURE my audience would gobble up.

NOPE! Unfortunately, THAT’S part of this entrepreneurial journey. So, I would say that that webinar launch was a failure in the short term, BUT I can always repurpose that content for something else down the road and get some extra mileage out of it.

But the point is, it takes time, effort and yes some failure (trial and error) to succeed in online business. It’s okay AND it’s something that we all have to deal with. ALL of your favorite content creators business leaders have failed and continue to fail from time to time.

It’s just part of the equation and it’s OKAY. You just have to keep picking yourself up and learning from your mistakes. And it’s good to know that you’re not alone and you’re not weird… Well, at least in that way.

The good news is that you WILL make WAY more good stuff that will be successful over time, so hang in there and stay with the process.

So be encouraged to “fail forward” as you start and grow your online business. The time you’re putting in now and the skills you’re learning will pay major dividends into the future if you just remember that:

  1. Everybody is “experimenting”.
  2. Credibility is garnered by “doing and serving”.
  3. Everybody that’s doing anything worthwhile has FAILED at something.

So be encouraged to get started, stay started and PLEASE reach out and let me know how I can help you get to where you want to be.


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