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[QUIZ] What Type Of Online Business Is Right For You (And NYRs)

Happy New Year or whatever part of the year you're reading this!

Before I get started, I wanted to point you to a brand new quiz we just created called "What Type Of Online Business Is Right For YOU?"

It only takes about 60-seconds to complete and will give you a report on what type of online business is right for your based on your interests, personality-type and experience.

It's SUPER cool little tool that will help you take some of the guess work out of what you should do based on where you are right now.


Yesterday, I had a friend ask me what my New Year’s resolutions are for this coming year...

I was actually kind of taken aback only because I haven’t really had any NYRs for several years now…

I, like so many of us who do any kind of “coaching/consulting”, I don’t really “do” New Year’s resolutions anymore.


Because, in truth, I already have such a detailed and strategic roadmap for where I’m trying to go with my work and life that, a NYR is actually a pretty arbitrary activity at this point… for me anyway...

And honestly, I have a confession to make...

I actually used to kind of sanctimoniously turn my nose up at NYRs until I realized something with my students...

A NYR can actually be the best kind of "gateway drug" toward achieving your overall life and career goals.


If you’re not in the category of completely neurotic overachiever like I and most coaches are (half-kidding), just know that NYRs are NOT a bad thing.

In fact, they can be the starting point for some truly life-changing goals you set for yourself.


They can set that “flywheel” that Jim Collins talks about in motion that can permanently change both the trajectory of your life AND career, forever.

All that said, if you're burned out in your current career and have been looking to start “your own thing”, I’d love to make sort of "micro-step" suggestion that will set you in that direction.

I’m holding a free training this Thursday entitled: The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make when Starting Their Online Businesses Right Now...

You can register to attend here:

Let this year be full of NYRs that turn into a lifestyle of zero burnout, more independence, more options…



50% Complete

Two Step

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