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4 Quick LinkedIn Profile Optimizations To Land Your DREAM Clients

If you're not using LinkedIn as a content distribution system, I want to convince you of why you should be:

  • 950 Million global users on LI
  • Only 3M content creators
  • WAY less competition
  • Engagement is WAY civil
  • Trolling is almost non-existent
  • Highest household income ($124k/yr)

Today we're going to cover 4 profile optimizations to help you start capturing traffic and attention.

  1. Turning on 'Creator Mode'
  2. Profile Pic Optimization
  3. Adding A Banner Image
  4. Un-Job Title Your Profile

 Are we 'friends' on LinkedIn yet? www.bradlong.co/linkedin

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. If you're wanting forward momentum in your business, I'd recommend starting with an affordable course:

➡️ The ADAPTIVE. Solopreneur - Course Bundle: Productize your knowledge with my niche validation, content, marketing, audience attraction and traffic growth system. Everything you need to start, grow and scale a profitable solopreneur business.

2. Register for my next free in-depth workshop on how to start, grow and scale an online business from a side-hustle to six-figures and beyond: Register here.

[FREE QUIZ] What Type Of Online Business Is Right For YOU?

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