Take The FREE 60-Second Quiz - "What Type Of Online Business Is Right For You?"
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Is Passion Really For Suckers?

"Follow your passion" is largely what you hear in all the business/success/productivity sphere. Sounds perfectly reasonable, but is it?

Today we'll be asking these questions:

1. Is passion a useful tool for success? OR

2. Is it something that just makes you irrational?

Let's talk about that today so you don't waste a bunch of time, money and energy "chasing after the wind" in your online business...

I think you'd agree, there's enough futility in life, we don't need to muddy the waters with a bunch of naive "passions".

👉 Take the FREE QUIZ: "What Type Of Online Business Is Right For You?": https://www.bradlong.co/quiz 

👉 Obliterate debt and move toward FI with my FREE 8 Steps To Erase Debt/ The Foundations Of Financial Independence Workshop: https://zerodebtcoach.com/8_steps_guide 

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. If you're wanting forward momentum in your business, I'd recommend starting with an affordable course:

➡️ The ADAPTIVE. Solopreneur - Course Bundle: Productize your knowledge with my niche validation, content, marketing, audience attraction and traffic growth system. Everything you need to start, grow and scale a profitable solopreneur business.

2. Register for my next free in-depth workshop on how to start, grow and scale an online business from a side-hustle to six-figures and beyond: Register here.

[FREE QUIZ] What Type Of Online Business Is Right For YOU?

Take this FREE 60-second quiz and find out what type of online business is the best fit for your personality and goals.

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