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Watch This Before You Start Uploading

MOST of the advice that you're getting about starting and growing a YouTube channel or online business are just plain WRONG.

Everyone is telling you, "man, you just gotta hit record and start uploading. You gotta just start putting content out there and you'll get better as you go."

And just to be clear, I don't TOTALLY disagree with part of this advice.

IT IS TRUE that content creation is a skill that's going to take time and practice to get good at.

BUT, where I disagree is with the "just start uploading" part.


Because you need to know a few things BEFORE you "just start uploading".


1. Who are you making content for?

What are the problems they have that you can solve?

Is it a problem you've solved for yourself or for someone else?

What are their hopes, dreams and aspirations?

Do you have a process you can teach that will get them from point A to point B?


2. What is your content going to be about?

How are you going to help them solve their problems?

  1. Free Content?
  2. Digital Courses?
  3. A Membership of some kind?
  4. Group Coaching/Mastermind?
  5. Individual 1:1 Coaching?
  6. Live Events?
  7. Some combination of all of those? (What I would recommend.)

How are you going to deliver them to their hopes and dreams?

  1. Do you have a process YOU can walk them through?
  2. Is there an affiliate program or course you can point them to?

3. Is your niche/market/idea going to be profitable and is there a way to know this before you start producing all this content? (Hint: yes there is and I'm going to show you that next.)

Because, as Stephen Covey said, "you don't want to climb a ladder that's leaning against the wrong wall." You want to make sure your niche is profitable before you spend 3 years (like I did) beating your head against a wall.

I see so many aspiring content creators just go "all in" on a niche that they haven't properly tested, only to get frustrated and quit because they didn't know that there is either too little demand or the market is too big to get into without spending a ton of money to compete with the "big players".

You want to do some testing of your market idea before you hurl yourself headlong into ALL the work that goes into creating content.


The Market Size Sweet Spot Exercise

  • "The Goldilocks Rule" - Not too big, not too small... just right.
  • This simple test will tell you IF your market is too big OR if there's too little demand for your particular niche.
  • Head over to and set the time range to "past 5 years". Next, type in these 3 keywords (using the compare function).
  • orchid care
  • start online business
  • elder care
  • These 3 keywords are what Ryan Levesque calls your "Rosetta Stone" keywords and will be your north star when it comes to determining if your niche is either too big or too small. If your keywords fall within the range of these 3, you're "Goldilocks".
  • Next, type in the keyword "pilates". Notice how far above the other three keywords this one is. This tells you that this is an ENORMOUS market and it's likely going to be difficult to be competitive because of it's size and likely competition. You'll want to niche down to a smaller part of this market to find your ideal market.
  • Next, type in the keyword "pilates ball exercises". Notice how far below the other three keywords this one is. This tells you that there's likely not a ton of demand for this niche and that you'd likely either need to "niche up" or choose another niche.
  • Now that we've accomplished that and if your market is in the market size sweet spot, you can move on to...
  • By the way, all of these exercises come from Ryan Levesque’s latest book called “Choose. - The Single Most Important Decision Before Starting Your Business”, and I’ll leave a link in the video description below. It's a $10 offer for the book that comes with an additional $200 of awesome bonuses including the audiobook.

Market Competition Sweet Spot Exercise

  • For this we use the "Amazon Test"
  • Head over to Make sure to use the US site as that's likely going to be the best indicator of market competition.
  • For time-sake, I'm just going to talk you through this part.
  • Click up to the Amazon search bar and type in your keyword.
  • When Amazon serves up the results, here's what you're looking for:
  • Are there "sponsored products" that are education and expertise -related coming up in the search results?
  • If there are 1-2 or 8-9, mark this keyword as a "maybe".
  • If there are zero or 10 or more, mark this a "no go". Theres likely too much competition.
  • If there are somewhere between 3-7 products, that indicates a healthy level of competition and this keyword is a "go".
  • There's MUCH more to go into here, but this will get you up and running and possibly whet your appetite to go even deeper.
  • BUT, even if your keywords have passed all of these tests so far, there's still one more we have to do.

The 5 Market Must-Haves

  1. Evergreen
  2. Enthusiast
  3. $10,000 Problem
  4. Future Problem
  5. Players With Money (PWMs)

 I cover these 5 in much greater depth in this video.



Now, if you're prone to procrastination (like we all are at times) these exercises are NOT an excuse to not do anything and just "think" about your idea some more.

You don't want do do that. This is ACTUALLY a call to action.

And I want for you to do this because there's nothing more discouraging than the "speaking into the void" almost all of us experience when we step into content creation.

The key is to:

1) make sure you're entering the right market (for you),

2) that you're constantly asking your market some key questions about their single most important issues so that

3) you can get a REAL understanding of what they want so that you can give it to them.

Just willy-nilly starting an online business, YouTube channel without knowing these things is a delicious recipe for burnout and I don't want you to get burned out.

And, two additional FREE resources that will be SUPER helpful for you if you’re thinking of starting and growing and online business are:

1) My FREE START. An Online Business guide… It outlines the process of how to get started in 6-easy to follow step... AND

2) This video here…  that walks you through the 6 steps of both setting up and scaling your online business.


50% Complete

Two Step

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